
Attorney General Intervenes in Proposed Fossil Fuel Plan That Concerns Port of Providence Neighbors

PROVIDENCE — Attorney General Peter Neronha has filed a motion to intervene in the Sea 3 Providence LLC project before the Energy Facility Siting Board. His office is concerned the project could impact nearby neighborhoods already burdened by industrial operations and the associated air pollution.

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Access to the Coast is an Environmental Justice Issue

For many Indigenous people, the original inhabitants of southern New England’s coastal areas, and people of color a lack of shoreline access is deeply disturbing and a generations-long problem.

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Stories That Matter, in Your Inbox

Teaching Climate Literacy Helps Prepare Students to Deal with Their Inheritance

In Rhode Island and in public schools across the country, the teaching of climate change, climate justice, and sustainability are often at the periphery of student education. One of the best options to combat the biggest problem facing humanity is to educate the people who will charged with addressing it, but this opportunity is slipping away.

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