Offshore Wind: Climate Savior or Ocean Destroyer?

The Pulitzer Center supported some of these stories through its nationwide Connected Coastlines reporting initiative.

As our country struggles toward urgent solutions for global warming and climate change, renewable energy sources are becoming an ever-larger focus of hopes, plans, and resources. Chief among these renewable resources is offshore wind. Rhode Island, with five such projects either operating, planned or in development off its coast, is moving fast to build staging and support systems for the industry. In this series, ecoRI News examines the many facets of offshore wind, and what it takes to build a wind farm.

Mitigation in the form of millions of dollars is making offshore wind easier to swallow for some towns and organizations. (istock)

Hundreds of Millions of Dollars for Mitigation Can Ease Offshore Wind Opponents’ Pain

The threat of wind farms off the New England coast comes with a golden — not silver — lining.

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Revolution Wind Turbines’ Effects on Life in the Sea and on the Seafloor Remain Unclear

Many people fear short- or long-term damage to sea life and to the profits or fun gleaned from the sea by commercial and sport fishermen. But other people offer evidence — observed at the small, five-turbine Block Island Wind Farm and elsewhere — that turbines create artificial reefs that attract and support animals.

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Offshore Wind Industry Plans Comeback in 2024 After Battering by Economic Tsunami Since 2020

People in the offshore wind industry — backed by billions of federal dollars and sustained support by states — have declared the industry can right itself.

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