
Get the Lead Out: A Lethargic Work in Progress

Despite substantial improvements in the prevention of childhood lead poisoning and the passage of lead abatement laws, several hundred children in Rhode Island are still poisoned annually. Many of these kids live in marginalized neighborhoods.

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R.I.’s Transition to Renewable Energy Must Be Swift and Just

While incorporating more renewables into Rhode Island’s energy profile would reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions and address the world’s climate crisis at a local level, it also provides an opportunity to create green jobs and make an equitable transition away from polluting fossil fuels.

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Stories That Matter, in Your Inbox

EPA’s Environmental Justice Tool Designed to Map, Protect Vulnerable Populations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a fairly new mapping tool called EJScreen that helps identify geographical areas where vulnerable populations have higher environmental burdens to overcome. The EPA says […]

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