The Environment is Everyone’s Business

In this six-part special report ecoRI News examines the local relationship between economic and environmental health. Environmental protections are often seen as antithetical to economic progress.

We wanted to test this assumption, so we pose the question: “What is the economic value of a healthy environment, and what are the economic, environmental and societal costs of not doing enough to prepare southern New England for the impacts of a changing climate?"

Green Leaf Farm in Cranston, R.I., is a regular at Ocean State farmers markets, including the Hope Street Saturday Farmers Market in Providence from May to October. (ecoRI News)

America’s Food: Fast, Cheap and Out of Control

Better investment in and support of southern New England’s local food system would mean a healthier economy, environment and people.

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Local Businesses Appreciate Economic Benefit of Environmental Protections

Much of southern New England's economy relies wise climate policies and adaptations, clean water, protected space and biodiversity.

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