
Duplicitous Democratic Party Feeds ‘Libtards’ to Orange Menace

Democrats have nobody but themselves to blame. They have for far too long taken the left flank of their party and people of color for granted. The Democratic National Committee doesn’t know how to read a room.

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Burrillville Town Council Gambles on Public Health for Sake of Fake Field

Seven years after a village water system was contaminated by some nasty compounds that have been linked to cancer, town officials are eager to install a synthetic athletic field that will likely leach some of the same toxic chemicals.

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Stories That Matter, in Your Inbox

Renewables and Affordable Housing Fabricate Momentary Eco-Warriors

Want to turn a status-quo-is-fine-with-me person into a rabid environmentalist? Mention affordable housing or renewable energy. Immediately, they care about trees, wildlife, and ecosystems.

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