Eco Justice For All

If the Environmental Protection Agency’s definition of environmental justice is the gold standard, Rhode Island is trading in penny stocks. Only now is environmental justice being taken seriously enough at least to have bills written that define it, governmental reports that mention it, and policy enacted to address it. But moving the term further from paper to practice will take an even greater struggle.

Changing behaviors when it comes to littering and trashing the environment would go a long way in addressing the problems that plague public health and the natural world. (Frank Carini/ecoRI News photos)

R.I. Possesses Know-How to Combat Environmental Injustice; It’s Time to Use It

In many instances, the solutions to these problems can be rather simple. They are made complicated by a lack of political will, the mismanagement of taxpayer money, special interests purposefully getting in the way for self-centered reasons, and/or the enduring protection of the status quo, which essentially means keeping structural racism alive.

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Elixir of Life Faces Steady Stream of Contamination

From PFAS and other types of pollution to the challenges presented by climate change, drinking water woes impact disenfranchised communities at a much greater extent.

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For R.I.’s Disenfranchised Populations, Their Next-Door Neighbor is Often Pollution

Miguel Sanchez’s response to the question was less an answer and more of an example. When asked what does environmental justice mean to him, the Olneyville resident spoke about the 2020 dumping of contaminated material in his Providence neighborhood, where 75% of the residents are people of color.

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EPA’s Environmental Justice Tool Designed to Map, Protect Vulnerable Populations

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides a fairly new mapping tool called EJScreen that helps identify geographical areas where vulnerable populations have higher environmental burdens to overcome. The EPA says […]

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