It’s Complicated: Climate Change in Southern New England

From vector-borne diseases to the stability of our fisheries to the most vulnerable populations in the region's urban cores, climate change is poised to impact every aspect of life in southern New England. No doubt, things are changing, but how things may change is complicated. This six-story series explores areas of potential climate disruption and what is being done by grassroots organizations and policymakers to prepare.

This series was made possible by a generous grant from the Island Foundation.

Nearly 40 million clams were harvested from Narragansett Bay in 2012, according to Rhode Island Sea Grant. Estimates of clams in the bay are used to set fishing limits. In Rhode Island, commercial shellfishermen use a bull rake for harvesting clams. (R.I. Sea Grant)

Oceanic Acid Trip Bad for Business

Ocean acidification, a byproduct of the planet’s changing climate, is threatening shellfish and the industries they support.

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Climate Planning: The Heat Is On

Heat intensifies air pollution and prompts asthma attacks and other respiratory illnesses. Increased rainfall increases runoff that carries toxic chemicals and pathogens, polluting groundwater and swimming areas.

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