Climate & Social Justice

New Climate Policy Committee to Advise U.S. Rep. Amo


PAWTUCKET, R.I. — U.S. Rep. Gabe Amo, who represents the state’s First Congressional District, has created a District Climate Policy Advisory Committee to act as a “sounding board to help advocate for Rhode Island’s conservation and sustainability.”

According to a press release, in addition to advising Amo on federal funding priorities, planning community events, and engaging with local environmental organizations, the committee will serve as a resource for recommendations on legislation and district priorities. The First District includes Bristol and Newport counties and part of Providence County, including Providence.

The committee is made up of some of the state’s most prominent environmentalists: April Brown, director of the Racial and Environmental Justice Committee; Teresa Crean, director of planning, building and resilience for Barrington; Sara Churgin, executive director of the Eastern Rhode Island Conservation District; Priscilla De La Cruz, Providence’s director of sustainability; Topher Hamblett, executive director of Save The Bay; Alicia Lehrer, Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council executive director; Arnold Robinson, regional director of planning at Fuss & O’Neill; and Michael Roles, executive director of Climate Jobs RI.

“Our Ocean State is home to over 400 miles of coastline and large inland watersheds, making us uniquely vulnerable to rising seas and more frequent and intense storms as a result of climate change,” Amo said. “I thank our committee members for their willingness to step up and lead at this critical juncture for our state.”

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