Westerly Quarry Fined for Clean Air Violations
June 29, 2016
WESTERLY, R.I. — A Pawcatuck, Conn.-based company running a local stone-crushing and gravel-processing facility has taken steps to help minimize emissions of hazardous air pollutants and visually test for dust under an agreement signed recently with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
According to the settlement, Cherenzia Excavation Inc. will also pay a penalty of $84,070 for its alleged violations of the Clean Air Act.
The settlement relates to the company’s two stone-crushing and gravel-processing plants at 64 Old Hopkinton Road and 109 White Rock Road. At the time of settlement, Cherenzia Excavation had come into compliance with two sets of Clean Air Act regulations, according to the EPA.
Cherenzia Excavation uses three stationary diesel engines/generators at its Old Hopkinton Road facility, and one stationary diesel engine/generator at its White Rock Road facility. All four of these are subject to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines, according to the EPA.
To come into compliance with federal clean air laws, Cherenzia Excavation installed pollution-control equipment on three of the engines and completed initial performance tests to demonstrate that the engines met the national emissions standards. Cherenzia Excavation replaced the remaining engine with a certified engine that meets EPA’s emission requirements.
By retrofitting and replacing its stationary diesel engines, Cherenzia Excavation will reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants such as formaldehyde, according to the EPA. Compliance with emission standards also helps reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter. The health effects of these pollutants include a range of respiratory issues, especially asthma among children and seniors.
Cherenzia Excavation also operates various crushers, screeners and conveyor belts and is subject to EPA’s New Source Performance Standards for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants. Cherenzia Excavation came into compliance with this standard by performing required visible emissions testing for fugitive particulate matter, airborne dust that escapes from this processing machinery, and submitting overdue notifications for the start-up of its operations.
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