
Organic Farmer Travels to Arctic to Find Melting Sea Ice

HOPKINTON, R.I. — Shot in July 2017, “Beneath the Polar Sun” was produced and directed by Diana Kushner and Stephen Smith, a Hope Valley couple who operate Arcadian Fields Organic Farm. The Earth’s cooling system is failing.

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As High Tides Swell, Warren Officials Urge Redevelopment

WARREN, R.I. — When high tides surge into Belcher Cove, salt water backflows through underground storm pipes and bubbles up through a storm drain on Market Street. It floods this low-lying neighborhood near Redmond Street, and seeps into nearby businesses. The street can become impassable, unless cars willingly, or unknowingly, drive through the saltwater inundation.

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Stormwater Runoff Takes Bite Out of R.I.’s Vulnerable Coastline

Municipalities, including Providence, largely manage stormwater with outdated infrastructure practices — gutters, basins and pipe that quickly carry runoff to the nearest waterbody. The most visual result of this lack of municipal attention is that unmaintained storm drains fill with sediment, which causes rain to back up, flooding streets, homes and businesses. But there are more-subtle implications.

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