
Solution to Lobster Shell Disease Remains Elusive

Despite more than 20 years of declining lobster populations in southern New England and extensive studies of the shell disease that is a major factor in their decline, scientists are still struggling to provide definitive answers.

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R.I.’s Commercial Fishing Industry Charts Future Path

The Rhode Island Commercial Fisheries Blueprint for Resilience, a plan co-created by 125 members of Rhode Island’s fishing industry, found Ocean State fisheries face an unprecedented convergence of challenges.

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Stories That Matter, in Your Inbox

Shellfish Restoration Projects Revive Buzzards Bay

BOURNE, Mass. — Buzzards Bay recreational fishermen may soon have access to improved scallop, oyster and quahog populations in town waters for recreational harvests, thanks to settlement funding being used by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and The Nature Conservancy to restore natural resources injured by a 2003 oil spill near the bay’s entrance.

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