
Large Spring Migration of Menhaden Lures Fishing Vessels Into Narragansett Bay

The Atlantic menhaden fishery is largely dominated by industrial interests that remove the nutrient-rich forage fish in bulk by trawlers to make fertilizer and cosmetics and to feed livestock and farmed fish.

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With Restaurants Shuttered, Oyster Farmers Face Market Collapse

The owners of two Rhode Island aquaculture operations are diversifying their offerings and trying to stay positive as oyster sales have declined significantly during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Stories That Matter, in Your Inbox

Fecal Coliform Bacteria Impairs Point Judith Pond

NARRAGANSETT, R.I. — The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has decided, based on ongoing water quality monitoring results, two areas of Point Judith Pond are being reclassified from approved to conditionally approved for shellfish harvesting.

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