Acadia Report Outlines Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Programs
January 27, 2025
The Acadia Center recently completed an extensive research and analysis effort to better understand the benefits provided by state-level energy-efficiency programs in New England over the 2012-23 time period.
Collectively, these programs have delivered some $55 billion in benefits to households and businesses across the region, according to the research, providing $3.40 in benefits for every $1 invested.
Simultaneously, the programs play an instrumental role in creating and sustaining about 160,000 energy-efficiency industry jobs in the region and have reduced lifetime carbon emissions at levels equivalent to removing nearly 33 million gasoline-powered cars from the road for one year.
Each New England state operates and administers energy-efficiency programs that leverage surcharges on customer electricity and natural gas bills, combined with other funding sources, to deliver energy-efficiency and electrification improvements to customers, from households and businesses to municipalities.
While these programs have been operating for different lengths of time depending on the state, most programs in New England began operation in the late 1990s or early 2000s.
Click on the links to view the benefits experienced by Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.