
What Impact is All This Caterpillar Poop Having on Forest Floors?

The massive defoliation of trees in southern New England by winter moth and gypsy moth caterpillars this spring and summer has totally changed the look of the regional landscape. And while scientists say it’s unlikely that many trees will die as a result of one year of defoliation, it raises the question of how it will affect other species of wildlife.

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Invasive Crabs Changing Ecology of Narragansett Bay

KINGSTON, R.I. — Niels-Viggo Hobbs has spent a great deal of time in recent years exploring tide pools and the rocky shoreline of Rhode Island, and he said that the ecology of the shore has changed dramatically in the past two decades because of one relatively recent invader: the Asian shore crab.

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Stories That Matter, in Your Inbox

Wacky Winter Weather Confounds Plants and Animals

The weather this winter in southern New England has been far from typical, and it’s having serious implications for wildlife and natural history phenomena.

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