
Gov. Raimondo’s Budget Tool Ignores Climate Change

Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo has unveiled a new online tool for parsing her $8.6 billion budget. It prominently features a clunky search tool that allows you to “search for a specific thing.” But don’t expect to find anything about climate change, agriculture, or any other word relating to the environment.

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Sustainability Groundwork Laid in Providence

PROVIDENCE — In December 2011, then-Mayor Angel Taveras appointed Sheila Dormody as the city’s first sustainability director. For the past four years, Dormody has worked to reduce waste, decrease pollution, improve energy efficiency, and raise the profile of urban agriculture and bicycling in the city.


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RhodeMap Supporters Address Foes’ ‘Nonsense’

PROVIDENCE — The new statewide economic development plan moved a step closer to adoption as a review committee recently approved the RhodeMap RI effort, and shot back at critics.

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