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RIFCO Summer Twilight Woods Walk

The R.I. Forest Conservator’s Organization is conducting its annual Summer Twilight Woods Walk at the site of a research project being set up at the Hillsdale Preserve. The evening hike will feature a walk through the study area off Old Mountain Road, led by Christopher Riely, URI natural resources research associate and extension forester, for a look at ways R.I.’s forests can be made more resilient to the impacts of climate change. The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) project is a collaborative effort to establish a series of experimental silvicultural trials across a network of different forest ecosystem types throughout the United States and Canada. On 40 acres in Hillsdale, three different types of forest management treatments are being implemented. The results of the three treatments (as well as an unmanaged no-action control) will be compared to determine the effectiveness of each approach.





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