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RI BioBlitz 2024 Orientation

BioBlitz is a 24-hour effort by scientists and nature-loving volunteers to count every species of life on a given parcel of land and water. R.I. BioBlitz 2024 will be hosted and held at the Norman Bird Sanctuary in Middletown from 2 p.m. on June 7 until 2 p.m. on June 8.

Before participating in BioBlitz, it is useful to attend an orientation where you learn the rules, meet some of the organizers, and find out how the whole event runs. Who can participate? How much knowledge do I need? How do I sign up? Do I have to attend for the whole 24 hours? What are the teams and how do I join one? Is there camping? Meals? Bathrooms? Can my kids come? What if it rains? First-time participants are especially encouraged to attend orientation, which are free. RSVPs are required.




Norman Bird Sanctuary

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