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Project WILD & Rhody Critter Kits Educator Training

  • Date

    April 4

  • Time

    9:00 am

  • Location


Calling all K-5 educators. Join RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife’s outreach and education staff for a fun and free professional development opportunity. You’ll learn all about the national Project WILD and Growing Up WILD curricula and how you can apply them in your educational setting. You’ll also learn about RIDEM’s Rhody Critter Kits, which combine activities from both curricula with information about local wildlife conservation work happening right in your own backyard. At the end of the day, you’ll head home with a Project WILD and Growing Up WILD curriculum book, connections to real science happenings here in Rhode Island, and ways to share this with your students. Lunch will be provided. This training is free, and open to all who work with elementary school students (teachers, librarians, homeschooling parents, environmental educators, etc), but registration is required.





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