Become a Sponsor of Our Zero-Trash Birthday Bash


ecoRI News is celebrating 15 years as Rhode Island’s environmental watchdog. You can extend your company’s reach to our diverse, loyal readership and support critical independent environmental journalism by becoming a sponsor of our signature annual zero-waste fundraising event.

With your presence as a sponsor, you’ll join many other environmentally oriented businesses and organizations in showing support for ecoRI News. All sponsorship levels include promotional exposure to our combined audience of more 65,000 environmental professionals, policymakers, educators, and environmentally conscious citizens from across Rhode Island and southern New England.

View the 2024 sponsorship benefits by downloading our sponsorship kit. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, kindly fill out the form below and we will reach out to you soon. Or you may email ecoRI News’ development director Jim Bride directly at [email protected].

Bash Sponsor Form

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