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Youth Day & Spring Tag Sale

West Place is hosting three tours designed for kids and young adults. The next generation of compassionate animal advocates will gain an appreciation for farm animals, wildlife, and nature during their visit to the sanctuary on Youth Day. Fun, interactive, and educational tours will introduce children to cows and horses, alpacas and donkeys, pigs and peacocks, and so many more. Visit the on-site face painter, or head to the Learning Circle to handle various types of eggs, feathers, fleece, and wool. Learn about responsibility, respect, and stewardship of the plants and animals with whom we share our planet. Guided tours for kids and young adults leave at 10 a.m., 12 p.m., and 2 p.m., and parents and family are welcome as well. Special kids pricing ($15) is extended to all guests 17 and younger.
PLUS, we’re holding a Spring Tag Sale and a special sneak preview of the updated West Place Gift Shop. Find a can’t-miss bargain and be among the first to see new crafts, jewelry, artwork, and more. No ticket required to shop.




West Place Animal Sanctuary

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