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Spring Social at Hurricane Hill Farm

The ecoRI news board of directors invites you to a fun-filled afternoon to welcome spring and to kick off our April Sustainer Drive at Hurricane Hill Farm. Tour the farm, and see its herd of sheep (plus goats, llamas, and chickens). Enjoy light refreshments from Narragansett Creamery, Seven Stars Bakery, and Yacht Club Soda; win raffle prizes from Black Earth Compost, Earth Care Farm, The Farmer’s Daughter, Harvest Cycle, Epic Renewal, Botanic Providence, and City Compost; learn about home composting, and schmooze with fellow ecoRI News fans in the country air of western Cranston. Tickets are $30, and all proceeds support ecoRI News environmental journalism.

Hurricane Hill Farm is a small-scale fiber farm that provides affordable land access to women farmers. The farm is the only registered Leicester longwool breeder in Rhode Island. Leicester Longwools are an endangered, historic breed of dual-purpose sheep best known in North America for the breed’s popularity with George Washington.




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