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Plog Newport Marathon

  • Date

    April 13

  • Time

    10:00 am

  • Location

    Newport, R.I.

We are excited to return to help clean up the course after the Newport Rhode Race in 2024 for the third year in a row. There are three signup times to pick from; 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 12:30-2:30 p.m.; or 2-3:30 p.m. Participants will walk or jog a 1/4-mile segment of the race route and pick up trash. You will be provided with bags, gloves, a map, shirt, and other goodies. This year’s plog is sponsored by Ørsted. The first 50 participants to sign up will receive a FREE long sleeve dri-fit shirt. Shirt sizes are first come, first serve.

This is a volunteer event associated with Newport Rhode Races. Signing up to volunteer does not include running in the actual race event, only plogging the course after the event. More information is provided as we get closer to the date once you sign up. Gloves and bags for all plogging events donated by Keep Nature Wild.




Eastern RI Conservation District

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