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Beekeeping Courses

  • Date

    January 26, 2024

  • Time

    8:00 am

  • Location

    Venues vary depending on course

The Rhode Island Beekeepers Association is once again offering in-person beginner beekeeping courses. The courses are 5 weeks long and will start in late January 2024. There are four different options for courses, which will cover everything the beginning beekeeper needs to know, and a variety of beekeeping equipment will be displayed and demonstrated.  Subjects will include: getting started, the honeybee life cycle, choosing an apiary site, buying bees and equipment, assembly of the hive, installing package bees, catching swarms, nectar sources, bee diseases and pests, hive inspections, and wintering. The cost for the 5-week course is $100 per person. This includes all course materials, a textbook and membership dues in the Rhode Island Beekeepers Association through Dec. 31, 2024.  As room space is available, additional family members at the same address may attend and share course materials for a small additional charge of $20 per person.




R.I. Beekeepers Association

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