Private Well Water Workshop

Ashaway Free Library 15 Knight St., Ashaway

In Rhode Island, private well owners are responsible for testing and maintaining the quality of their own well water. To provide residents with information on private well water testing, treatment, […]

Calendar Photo Contest by Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful

Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful 175 Main Street, Pawtucket

Submit your best photos of outdoor recreation in Rhode Island's Blackstone Valley. Examples include but are not limited to: boating, fishing, hiking, biking, running, dog-walking, gardening, picnicking and kite-flying.  Photos […]

Scientific Strolls: Bird Migration on Napatree

Watch Hill Conservancy 1 Bay Street, Westerly, Rhode Island

Join The Watch Hill Conservancy for a guided tour that celebrates a decade of stewardship in the Napatree Point Conservation Area. Led by Napatree Science Advisor Dr. Peter Paton, the […]

Forest to Fashion and Fiber Arts at Farm Fresh

Farm Fresh RI 10 Sims Avenue, Providence, RI, United States

The Burrillville Land Trust, in association with Sashoonya, a sustainable textiles company based in Providence, will hold a Forest to Fashion natural dye demonstration and information table at the Farm […]

Tiverton Farmers Market Garlic Roast

Tiverton Recreation Area 3588 Main Road, Tiverton, RI

Celebrate everything garlic — from fresh garlic bulbs for eating and planting to garlic specialty pizzas, breads, and empanadas. Market vendors will be infusing garlic into unique foods.

2023 Stormwater Innovation Expo

Roger Williams Park 1000 Elmwood Avenue, Providence, RI

Join the Rhode Island Green Infrastructure Coalition, the Providence Stormwater Innovation Center, and the Providence Parks Department for the 5th annual Stormwater Innovation Expo. General admission tickets include lunch and […]

Wired for the Future: Navigating the Path to Electrification

URI Cooperative Extension 3 East Alumni Avenue, Kingston, RI, United States

As we move toward an economy driven on renewable energy, electrification of our energy systems will be required to allow utilization of these cleaner energy sources. What does electrifying everything […]

Leave No Trace 101

N.E. Institute of Technology 1 New England Tech Blvd., East Greenwich, RI

Join the Rhode Island Environmental Education Association (RIEEA) and Rhode Island Land Trust Council for an introductory course on the Leave No Trace skills and ethics that can help protect the outdoor places we love.

White Rock Farm Tour

White Rock Farm 199 West Main Road, Little Compton

During the tour visitors will hear about the history of the farm and the conservation practices utilized to help the environment. White Rock Farm partners with the Eastern Rhode Island […]

Tree Walk: Island Cemetery

Island Cemetery 30 Warner St., Newport, Rhode Island

Join Newport Tree Conservancy to enjoy the beauty of the many specimen trees growing at Newport’s Island Cemetery. This historic burial ground has a wonderful collection of woody plants, including […]

Climate Future Film Festival

Jamestown Arts Center 18 Valley St., Jamestown, RI

See 10 short films from four continents in two hours explore the artistic and human response to climate change. Drama, documentary, dark comedy, and award-winning animation address the many possible […]


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