Micro-Party Fundraiser for Save the Bay at The Nest

The Nest 1155 Westminster Street, Unit 220, Providence, RI

Ten percent of all sales made during this event will be donated to Save The Bay whose mission is to protect and improve Narragansett Bay. The party will feature a cash bar, raw bar, live DJ, and pop-up vintage vendors. 

Salt Ponds Coalition Annual Fundraiser

Weekapaug Yacht Club 23 Spray Rock Rd., Westerly, RI

Join Salt Ponds Coalition for a summer soirée celebrating the vibrant spirit of Rhode Island's salt ponds. You're invited to the newly rebuilt Weekapaug Yacht Club, which nestled along the shores of Quonochontaug Pond. Experience an evening of joy, conservation, and giving back, all rolled into one unforgettable experience. This hybrid in-person and online event […]

Moonlight Cruise on the Bay

Prudence Island Ferry

Bring a picnic, and join The Warren Land Conservation Trust for a cruise on the Prudence Island Ferry to watch the sun set and the moon rise. There will be music by Otis Read and Friends. Tickets are $65 and can be purchased on Eventbrite. The rain date for this event is Aug. 2.


Fishes at the Fort

Fort Adams State Park 80 Fort Adams Drive, Newport, RI

Come out for an evening of local seafood, delicious cuisine, and community at "Fishes at the Fort," a fundraiser, dinner, and auction to support the nonprofit organization Eating with the Ecosystem, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting a place-based approach to sustaining New England's wild seafood. Guests will experience the best of Rhode Island's local and […]

Pier Plunge

Narragansett Town Beach Narragansett

The Pier Plunge is an annual New Year's Day event hosted by the Narragansett Lions Club since 2007. Proceeds from this year's plunge will benefit the Narrow River Preservation Association. The first 350 plungers to register receive a free beach towel. Sunset Farms food trucks will be on-site with hot food. There are prizes for […]

Westport River Watershed Alliance Winter Art Show

Westport Art Group Gallery 1740 Main Road, Westport, MA

The Westport River Watershed Alliance (WRWA) is hosting its 11th annual Winter Art Show and silent auction at the Westport Art Group Gallery from Feb. 17 through March 2. This year, contributing artists are creating on the theme “Love Your River,” perspectives on the Westport River and watershed. The gallery and auction are free and […]

Environmental Events in Rhode Island

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