Garden with native plants that nurture a healthy environment and bring beauty and joy to your landscape. Select from 170 different species of perennials, grasses, ferns, trees, and shrubs at Rhode Island Wild Plants Society’s (RIWPS) Best Native Plant Sale in Rhode Island. The sale is open to the public at 9 a.m. RIWPS members may begin shopping at 8 a.m. Experts will be on hand to help you select the best plants for your landscape needs. RIWPS specializes in plants from ecoregion 59, which includes almost all of Rhode Island, most of Connecticut and Massachusetts, and sections of New York, New Hampshire, and Maine. Plants within an ecoregion are accustomed to similar environmental conditions, share plant genetics, and have coevolved with our local fauna. They are best suited to thrive in your gardens and to support the biodiversity of our native ecosystems
Location: University of Rhode Island Botanical Gardens, 105 Upper College Rd., Kingston, R.I. Parking available at URI Fine Arts Center commuter parking lot.
RI Wild Plant Society,