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‘Poetry of the Wild’ Creative Practices Workshop

How can poetry, stories, and art encourage us to become more aware of the wonders in nature? “Earthkeepers,” by the late N. Scott Momaday, asks readers to see habitat as a sacrosanct place of muse. Momaday, an acclaimed writer, poet, and Pulitzer Prize winner, is credited with establishing Native American Literature as a genre; he passed away in January 2024. Wanda Hopkins, writer and Narragansett culture-bearer, will honor his work by using it to inspire us in the Poetry of the Wild workshop. The workshop will also use elements from the Poetry of the Wild project developed by ecological artist Ana Flores. At the project’s core is making poetry boxes built by diverse community members and then installing them in trails through the landscape. The deceptively simple template of the project presents opportunities for community collaborations, creativity, and stewardship. For this workshop plan to walk, read, write poems, create simple poetry boxes, and develop your “Earth-Keeping” abilities.





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