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Pawtuxet River 5K: Run of the Mills

Please join us for a family-friendly 5K walk, run, roll, or stroll along the banks of the Pawtuxet River. Featuring three trestle bridges along the Coventry Greenway, a rail trail known as the Washington-Secondary bike path, enjoy views of the river, two majestic mills, and a jog through Anthony Historic District, on the National Register of Historic Places. All proceeds benefit the Pawtuxet River Authority and Watershed Council, which has been protecting, conserving, and restoring the Pawtuxet River and its watershed for over 50 years. Bib pick-up will take place at Rice Field from 7 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. The race will start promptly at 8 a.m. on Knotty Oak Road, adjacent to Rice Field, in Coventry, R.I.




Pawtuxet River Authority

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