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Marine Law Symposium

The concept of achieving “net positive impact on biodiversity” (NPI) is not new; however, the application of this concept to offshore wind development is relatively new. In the offshore wind context, there is no universal framework, consensus as to definitions, or specific regulatory scheme for integrating biodiversity goals into new projects. This symposium will explore the concept of NPI in the ocean and near coastal environment, and ask whether and how it should be integrated into offshore wind projects in the United States. The symposium will bring together scientific, regulatory, legal, and industry experts from the United States and Europe to discuss: (1) the concept of NPI generally, and specifically in the offshore wind context especially as it relates to a well-established mitigation hierarchy; (2) whether increased biodiversity is the appropriate metric and how success would be measured; (3) the existing status of various drivers—including environmental, governmental, financial, and corporate—for the NPI approach in the offshore wind development context; (4) the existing approaches to incorporating environmental benefit considerations into agency decision-making in the United States and in other countries; and, (5) technological and project specific examples of how nature-inclusive designs and environmental benefits are being applied in the United States and other countries. The symposium is intended to be future oriented, educational, and neutral.




The Nature Conservancy

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