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Edible Wild Plants Walk

The East Bay region is home to over 90 species of edible wild plants, some of which are more nutritious and/or flavorful than their cultivated counterparts. These include native species like spicebush and sassafras, edible weeds like purslane and chicory, and edible invasives like wineberry and black locust. Join Russ Cohen, expert forager and author of “Wild Plants I Have Known…and Eaten” on an evening ramble through the wildlife refuge to learn about at least two dozen edible plant species, including coastal species like orach and sea rocket. As each species is encountered, Russ will present information on identification tips, edible portion(s), season(s) of availability and preparation methods. Russ will also provide general guidelines for safe and environmentally responsible foraging.




Audubon Sociey of Rhode Island

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